Walk Through On My portfolio (Aleen Bhandari)

Xettri Aleen
9 min readFeb 22, 2022
One of a design done by Mr. Aleen

Skills & Expertise

Aleen Bhandari, a seasoned UI/UX Designer and Fullstack Developer, brings over 8 years of front-end development and 3 years of UI/UX design expertise to the table. My journey is fueled by a relentless passion for crafting seamless and innovative digital experiences. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies and design trends, I’ve continuously evolved, mastering the art of impactful and user-centered digital solutions.

Advanced Development Skills:

  • SvelteKit & Svelte: Mastering the art of building highly interactive and modern web applications using SvelteKit and Svelte, focusing on performance and writing less code to achieve more functionality.
QR ORDERING SYSTEM | FullStack Sveltekit & Pocketbase

link: https://qrordering.netlify.app/login

SEO Ready BlogSite with sveltekit and Blogspot
  • SCSS: Leveraging SCSS to craft efficient, maintainable, and scalable stylesheets that enhance the visual aesthetics and functionality of web applications.

Design & UX Mastery:

  • UI/UX Design: Applying my self-taught, extensive knowledge in UI/UX design principles to create intuitive and user-friendly interfaces for websites, mobile applications, and Chrome extensions.
Figma Three.js concept
Need a Perfect Design? Wireframe > Lofi > Hifi > Responsive
  • Figma Plugin Creation: Developing custom Figma plugins to streamline design processes and improve design team efficiency.
  • Spline for 3D Modeling: Utilizing Spline to add dynamic, eye-catching 3D elements to user interfaces, enhancing the user experience with engaging visuals.

Technical Creativity & Innovation

Aleen Bhandari — Pioneering New Frontiers in Web Design and Development

My passion for pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in web design and development has led me to explore and master several advanced technologies. These tools enable me to create immersive, dynamic user experiences that not only captivate but also solve real-world problems. Here’s a closer look at the innovative technologies I’ve employed in my projects:

Three.js for Immersive 3D Experiences

  • Expertise: Leveraging Three.js to craft interactive 3D animations and visual effects that bring web projects to life. My work with Three.js breaks the mold of traditional web design, offering users an engaging and immersive digital experience.
  • Impact: These 3D elements not only enhance the visual appeal of websites but also improve user engagement and interaction, setting new standards for what is achievable in web UX/UI design.

Chrome Extension Development

  • Skillset: Developing Chrome extensions that extend browser functionality, enhance user productivity, and offer unique web experiences. My expertise includes creating intuitive, user-friendly interfaces and integrating powerful features that address specific user needs.
  • Contribution: By improving browser usability and introducing new features, these extensions have helped users streamline their workflows, thereby increasing productivity and enhancing the overall browsing experience.

ffmpeg.wasm for Video Processing

  • Innovation: Incorporating ffmpeg.wasm, a WebAssembly version of the popular FFmpeg library, into web projects for client-side video processing. This allows for high-performance video editing features directly in the browser, without the need for server-side processing.
  • Application: My projects utilize ffmpeg.wasm to offer users powerful video editing capabilities, such as format conversion, compression, and editing, enhancing the interactivity and functionality of web applications.
    youtube multiple video cutter

GSAP for Advanced Animations

  • Mastery: Using GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) to create high-performance, professional-grade animations. GSAP enables me to animate virtually any aspect of the web UI, from simple transitions to complex, choreographed sequences.
  • Benefits: The animations crafted with GSAP are not only visually stunning but also smooth and efficient, significantly improving the user interface and experience across various web projects.
    equitool unfinished site
    revamped site for accesbility tool (solo handed finished)

Security & Ethical Hacking

As a UI/UX Designer and Frontend Developer, my journey into the realm of ethical hacking marks a significant expansion of my skill set. Specializing in reverse engineering APIs, I’ve dedicated myself to enhancing the security and reliability of web applications and services. This niche expertise underscores my commitment to creating not only functional and aesthetically pleasing digital solutions but also secure and trustworthy environments.

Impactful Contributions

  • Broad Engagement: Successfully conducted security assessments and enhancements across over 140 digital properties, including websites, Chrome extensions, and Figma plugins. This extensive experience has equipped me with a deep understanding of various attack vectors and defense strategies, enabling me to protect and improve a wide array of digital assets.
  • Protecting Top Companies: My ethical hacking skills have been instrumental in safeguarding the digital assets of some of Nepal’s leading companies, such as LanceMeUp, Karobar, and Sarallagani. By identifying vulnerabilities and implementing robust security measures, I’ve helped these organizations fortify their defenses against a range of cyber threats.
  • Discretion and Confidentiality: While the specifics of my work in security and ethical hacking are sensitive and cannot be fully disclosed, the impact of my efforts is reflected in the enhanced security posture and resilience of the organizations I’ve worked with.

Commitment to Digital Security

My foray into ethical hacking and cybersecurity is driven by a recognition of the critical importance of security in today’s digital landscape. By continuously updating my knowledge and skills in this area, I aim to contribute to the development of safer, more reliable web applications and services. This commitment extends beyond individual projects, as I advocate for and implement best practices in security across all my endeavors.


Dharan, available for work globally or remotely.

Age: 27 years old (Born on 2054/06/21)

Contact: +9807038534

Education & Learning Journey

Aleen Bhandari — Bridging Commerce with Technology

While my formal education began in the realm of commerce, my true calling has always been in the intricate dance of programming and design. Here is a glimpse into my academic background and self-directed journey into technology:

Formal Education:

  • School Leaving Certificate (SLC): Graduated in 2014 from Nepal Police School. My foundational education provided me with a disciplined approach to learning and problem-solving.
  • Higher Secondary Education (+2): Completed in 2017 from Dharan Higher Secondary School. Focused on commerce, these years were crucial in developing my analytical skills and understanding of business processes.
  • Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS): Pursued until the third year at Birendra Memorial College. This journey into commerce education helped me understand the economic, organizational, and management foundations that are vital in the tech industry.

Passion Meets Self-Learning:

Despite my commerce background, my fervent interest in technology guided me toward self-education in programming and design. This journey has been marked by:

  • Self-Taught Programming Skills: Diving deep into the world of coding, I have equipped myself with the latest programming languages and frameworks that are essential for a Frontend Developer and UI/UX Designer.
  • Design Exploration: My passion for design led me to explore various tools and practices on my own, mastering the art of creating user-centric designs that speak volumes.

Continual Growth:

My educational path reflects a blend of formal education in commerce and a self-driven quest in technology. This unique combination has empowered me with a diverse skill set that I leverage to innovate and design solutions that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and user-friendly.

Professional Experience

Aleen Bhandari — From Learner to Leader in UI/UX Design and Frontend Development

My professional journey is a testament to my dedication to mastering the craft of UI/UX design and frontend development. Here’s an overview of my career progression, showcasing my roles, responsibilities, and the value I’ve brought to each position:

Early Beginnings: Internship and Learning

  • CODE IT, DHARAN: My foray into the tech world began here, where I immersed myself in learning and practical application. Over three years, this invaluable experience laid the groundwork for my career, allowing me to hone my skills in real-world projects and collaborate with seasoned professionals.

LanceMeUp: Senior UI/UX Designer & Senior Frontend Developer

  • As a pivotal member of the LanceMeUp team, I elevated the role of a Senior UI/UX Designer and Frontend Developer. My contributions involved leading design projects, enhancing user experiences across web and mobile platforms, and implementing cutting-edge frontend technologies. My work significantly improved project outcomes, user satisfaction, and led to innovative solutions for complex design challenges.

Makura Creations: UI/UX Designer & Frontend Developer

  • Currently, at Makura Creations, I continue to blend art and technology, crafting compelling user experiences and robust frontend architectures. My role involves close collaboration with cross-functional teams to ensure design and development align perfectly with user needs and business goals. My work here has not only pushed the boundaries of creativity and technical execution but also contributed to setting new standards in design and development practices.

Portfolio Highlights: Unique Creations by Aleen Bhandari

As a passionate UI/UX Designer and Frontend Developer, I thrive on bringing unique ideas to life. My work is characterized by a commitment to innovation, user-centered design, and technical excellence. Here are some highlights from my portfolio, showcasing projects that stand out for their creativity and impact.

Life at Makura Creations

Accessibility Plugin Development

  • Overview: Tasked with managing all aspects of the Accessibility plugin features at Makura Creations, I embarked on a journey to deeply understand and implement the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). My goal was to make digital content accessible to a wider audience, including those with disabilities.
  • Technical Execution: Developed using pure Vanilla JavaScript, this plugin is a testament to my expertise in crafting efficient, scalable solutions without relying on frameworks or libraries. Its compatibility with various platforms (WordPress, PHP, WebFlow, Django) demonstrates its versatility and adaptability.
  • Impact: This plugin significantly enhances the accessibility of websites, making them more inclusive. By addressing key accessibility concerns, it not only complies with legal standards but also improves the overall user experience for people with disabilities.

Demonstration and Impact

To further illustrate the capabilities and impact of my work, I have prepared a few demos. These not only showcase the functionality and user-centric design of the Accessibility plugin but also highlight my technical proficiency and ability to deliver solutions that cater to diverse user needs and platforms.

Used spline/three.js to create a 3D model for Makura Creations.

Chrome Extension


UI/UX designed by myself are listed here

Worked with Butchers Prime(Aus)


Worked with Nest Nepal Hosting Platform

Worked With Lance Me Up

Viral Community Resume Template

Opensource Icons — Ongoing..

Threes.js Portfolio Concept

Retro Version Portfolio

Minimalist Portfolio Designed

Instagram Remodified Version

Tech Local Backend Designed with wireframing

Minimalistic Music web app UI design

Messenger Web App Concept

Watch my SEO UI design

Sneakers Astra

StoryBubble UI design

Madhyam UI design

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Visual Designing With Figma

Drowning ideas From Dream

Desktop Wallpaper

Moomin Valley and Iron man Blue Print

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Chrome Extension I have created

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What may Three JS be used for?

Three. JS is a JavaScript library/API that is cross-browser that is used to generate and animate 3D computer graphics for display in a web browser.

Showcase of Three js projects

#3d glass created with spline threejs
Buddha Mesh with Threejs Spline
Boeing model created with three.js and gsap

Sites Created with Threejs and GSAP



Projects Created With Svelte

Type Scale (Typography ratio Calculator)

Notion Clone


Undergoing React Project


The sites which I have maintained alone

The complex CSS card animation I did was



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